Oh! How lovely are the fireworks on new year's eve! The night sky suddenly becomes brilliantly illuminated. Every burst of light and color proclaiming that this year will be the best yet! The whole family looks forward to the luminous display, right?
The furry family members are unlikely to be giddy with anticipation. In fact, once the celebration begins, they will often be found cowering in their favorite safe place (if they have one). Dogs have a keen sense of hearing. They hear sounds inaudible to the human ear. The seemingly harmless booms and bangs that accompany your fireworks show can be terrifying to your canine companion.
My sweet rescue dog, Marcus Antonius, is a prime example. His history includes being displaced by the California fires and being moved miles away to a Western Washington shelter. He was then adopted by a woman who rejected him a few weeks later. Her daughter posted a desperate plea online, begging someone to save this poor, adorable cuddle bug so he wouldn't have to return to the shelter. I couldn't resist.
Marcus Antonius |
Although he appears to have adjusted to his new, forever home, he still requires a lot of reassurance. Some of his behaviors indicate that he experienced abuse in the past. It is heartbreaking to see him flinch when I reach to pet him.😢 I am determined to help him feel safe and confident that no human will hurt him ever again.
Unfortunately, last night he was afraid. Terrified.
This was the first occasion since he moved in that fireworks were being set off by the neighbors. I was not properly prepared. With the initial BANG, he scurried onto my lap, trembling. It felt like he was trying to crawl right inside my chest. He couldn't get close enough. I held him tight and told him it would be okay. I sang to him. (Yes, I sing to my animals.) I felt like a bad dog mom for my lack of readiness. I distracted him and his furry sister, Cleopatra, with yummy treats. The brief calmness converted itself right back into quivering anxiety with the next BOOM.
This morning I looked to my favorite dog whisperer, Cesar Milan, for advice. I will be ready for the 4th of July!
His article: Keep Your Dog Safe details the steps to ensure your dog feels protected.
Briefly paraphrased;
1) Preparation: If possible, keep them away from the anticipated loudness.
2) Accommodation: If taking them away from the noise is impossible, make them a "safe place" in your home.
3) Acclimation: Play some firework sound in the weeks leading up to the occasion so they can get used to it.
4) Sedation: If you find it necessary to use medications, or a thunder shirt to help calm your furry companion, educate yourself on how and when to implement this tool.
5) Communication: Take your doggy for a long walk to expend much of their energy before the event. Let them know it is going to be okay. They can sense both anxiety and serenity in you. If you're calm, they will follow you, their pack leader.
As much as I love my shaggy snuggles, I prefer the context to be spontaneous and relaxed! From now on, this dog mom will equip her fur babies for a laid back, boomin' time!!
Marcus Antonius and Cleopatra |
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