Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Be Who You Post to Be

Social media has taken the world by storm over the last decade. Statistics indicate that Facebook currently has over 2 billion regular users; 1.5 billion log in daily. That's around 30% of the global population. These numbers do not include Twitter, Instagram, My Space, Snap Chat, etc.. There is likely some cross-over, but the point is A LOT of people use social media regularly. Depending on how account privacy is set, all 2 billion users have the potential to view each other's posts and profiles. Ya think all of these people accurately portraying themselves?
(I'll answer that. NOT A CHANCE!!)
If they were, shows like Catfish wouldn't exist.Young girls wouldn't give their address to  65-ish year old men who pretend to be in high school to lure them into a false sense of security, so they can show up at their home and murder them. Sorry, that's dark, but it happens. 
On a little more superficial level, though...
I know I'm not alone. We all know some folks pretty well in person, so we become "friends" on social media. Then we're completely baffled by the "alter-ego" we find when we see their profile. 
The filters alone distort reality so much that if someone went missing, no one would recognize them! It always sparks my curiosity. What drives people to paint such a false picture?
Insecurity perhaps? The inherent human need to feel important? 
I completely understand the tendency to leave the negative behind in social media posts. I mean, when I returned to the blogging scene, I promised myself (and my readers) I'd focus on the positives going forward. What I question is why the embellishments? Why toot your own horn...and then some? There are times when it is totally appropriate to ask for prayers, or good vibes, or assistance. That's not considered airing your "dirty laundry" (unless, of course, you add a ridiculous amount of dirty detail). 
I confess, I like indulging in a good social media story on occasion. I find myself reading all 482 comments on a reeeeally good post. BUT...the lies! The misrepresentation! Why?Well, okay. Why does it really matter?Petty.
Still, when you post about how amazingly, wonderfully, brilliantly, magnificently phenomenal you are...at least be sure you're somewhat close to the "accurate" BALLPARK! Please. OH! And once you determine the TRUTH,before you fire up your account to exclaim any or all of the above...
please consider what God would want you to do with all that greatness!!  

Matthew 6:1 "Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven.

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