Do you have them?
In my world, 2018 was somewhat of a roller coaster. If you're one of my faithful readers (thanks for waiting for me!), you know this is not a new state of being for me. One big difference this year has been that I have spent a lot more time deliberately seeking the positive in every person, and every situation. I was determined to find at least one favorable thing, no matter what. There have been times when that was quite a daunting task, but I accomplished it, and I plan to continue the pattern!! This task was not deemed a "New Year's Resolution" (because I don't buy into that concept) but it was a goal I had set for my life in general.
Years ago, I received a gift from my Dad. A book called, "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren. Sadly, I never read it. Looking back, I believe I let it collect dust along with many other things I mentally blocked after dad died. Interestingly enough, however, throughout the years whenever I have renewed my personal goals, I have silently recited the title. (Incidentally, one of my current goals is to read more books. I shall add this one to the top of the list!)
You have to admit, the title is catchy. And provocative. The subtitle, "What On Earth Am I Here For?" follows suit. Survey 100 random people with the question: 'What do you think your purpose on this earth is?' and see how many people articulate a quick answer. I'll venture a guess of possibly around 10-15%, and this number is high. What a difficult question! Especially if you're on the spot.
Given some time to ponder it...can we answer?
If we are unable to answer this question, where are we truly headed? What is at our "finish line"? Personally, I like to make myself a sort of map. I set my long-term goals first. Then I make short-term goals to help me attain the long term goals, keeping in mind that I may need to change some of these short-term goals along the way. Being flexible with my plans is crucial to my peace of mind. I tend to be somewhat of a control-freak if I'm not careful. Incorporating the plan of deliberately seeking good in everything has significantly impacted my outlook on life.
Admittedly, I have had some difficulty in determining my overall purpose. In fact, it's still a work in progress. I've had the tendency to find my identity in people. Like so many mothers out there: for 25 of the last 27.5 years, my purpose was my child. That "child" is now a married adult with three children of his own. The specifics of that transition is for a completely different conversation, but at some point, I had to realize that I have my own purpose, separate from my child. I was married for 17 years. During that time, my purpose was also intertwined with my husband. I realize that to an extent, married people's purposes are supposed to mesh with each other (clearly I am a divorced, non-expert) but even then, as an individual I needed to find my own identity and direction, separate from my spouse. I am at the stage in life now where I am instrumental in tending to the needs of my own parent (mom). I contemplated tying my purpose to helping her. The moral of this (paragraph) story is that each individual MUST find their own purpose. One that is not connected to another human. Otherwise, what happens when that human is no longer present? Death happens. Divorce happens. People move away. From personal experience, I can tell you that the transition is brutal.
YES! You are special. Psalm 139:14 says, "...I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." God MADE all of us extraordinary! Of course we deserve to have individual identities, regardless of where we've been or what we've done. I think that is the first thing we all need to realize before we begin our search for our purpose. There have definitely been periods in my life when I have considered myself less than deserving. That is simply untrue, and again, a topic for a completely different conversation.
My prayer for all who are reading this is that you will know in your heart how special you are because God created you that way! I pray that if you don't seem to have a direction in life now, that you are able to spend some time in introspection to discover it. I pray that you have been blessed by your visit here today, and that you'll come back soon!