Wednesday, January 18, 2012


"Two Hearts Divided"
Basically describes the way I feel about any of my (past,present or future) relationships with those who possess a "Y" chromosome.
I'm not and will not EVER be "in love" or "relationship" material. 
I'm too moody, independent, bull headed, stubborn....need I continue?
 I think not.  

"The Eye of the Storm"
Learning how to use a palette knife with acrylics is quite an adventure! I just love the innumerable ways you can manipulate the paint and blend colors. 
I have so much to learn, but I'm certainly having fun with it!

I painted this with acrylic on canvas for Kory, my most favorite man (child....I almost can't use the word child anymore cuz he's growing into such a fine man...but he will always be my BABY anyway!)
He asked me to read Revelation and paint something that depicted Christ's victory over Satan. took me quite awhile to come up with what I would add to the painting. He wanted me to be sure I included "the white horse that death rode upon" I did that. I tried to get in a few images of "weeping and gnashing of teeth" in the fire. It was the most challenging piece I've been requested to do thus far. Typically I get a photo and am just requested to render a portrait from it, but this was quite different and subjective. 

I wasn't completely sure if this piece would be more realistic, or abstract...but I think it's a cross between the two. It definitely appears to be a sunrise/sunset to all who have commented on it but initially I was just wanting to make it a bright outburst of color. I guess it can be interpreted in any way one wants to interpret it. 

Speaking of I was saying at the beginning of this post...I am absolutely content with how things in my life are going right now. I sort of like the idea of most of my friends being on line because it's "safe" that way. I've been approached by different people wanting to "set me up" with friends of theirs, and wanting to meet up with me, but do i really want to subject someone to...myself? 
Nah, unless someone already knows me well and still wants to hang out with me in a friendship only situation, I think I'll remain the hermit that I am and just hang with Mom while I still have the chance. She and I don't get in each other's way too much and we will be moving for the FINAL time at the end of February! 
Woo Hoo!!!! 

Critique or comments on my new adventure in acrylics is always welcome. 
Cheers & God Bless ;)


  1. It's not true, what they say about time.

  2. That's a very interesting comment. Doesn't really fit this particular post, does it?
    The only thing I can think that "they say about time" is that it "heals all wounds".
    Sounds like you're having a hard time getting over something. I don't know who you are, or if it's something you did or something that was done to you; either way, past is past & there's nothing you can do about it. Dwelling on it hurts you more than it does anyone else in the situation, so you need to let go of it.
    God will deal with those who need to be dealt with, I assure you of that.
    Blessings mr/mrs anonymous.

  3. This really is wonderful article ! I simply love’d it !


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