Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hello Again & Happy Birthday

Happy Happy Birthday Dad.
Today, you would have been 64.
The last (nearly) 3 years has been a rollercoaster of emotion for me. I wish so often that I could pick up the phone and talk to you about it. I still haven't been able to take your name and number out of my phone. Crazy, huh?
 That's what they call me...."Crazy". 
 You were so wise. You always knew just what to say
to put a smile on my face.
You were so witty, so much fun to be with.
I've stepped in "it" again Dad.
I know you're out there somewhere...and since you were always Mr. Fixit, will you have a conversation with our Maker and see if it can be repaired again?
Maybe because I was doing so well and actually getting back into the Word, then I somehow invited Satan to come in and lead me away for a few days.
I miss you Dad.
I can't wait to see you again!
You're probably having a perpetual celebration far better than any Birthday you  had here on earth though. It will be a glorious occasion when
I am able to join you.
Until then, I'm going to keep doing my best (which is not all that great much of the time) to be a loving, humble, godly person.
I love you.

1 comment:

  1. What a great lookin' guy. I know how you miss him. God bless you. This is a beautiful post.


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