Friday, September 23, 2011

Five Minute Friday

Ok, here goes my five minutes...
Reflections of the study of 1John (so far.) 

I am really enjoying this study of 1John. I am so thankful that I was invited to participate. In my meditations over the first few verses, one of the things I realize is that John wanted to be absolutely certain that his audience was aware that he was telling the truth. He stresses the fact that he writes about that which he saw, heard and touched with his own eyes, ears, hands.
Considering that he begins to tell us about Christ, our gateway to eternal life, the author is careful to be absolutely sure we know that he did witness Christ, and that He is REAL.

It is so important when we relay information that it is 100% truth. I really appreciate that about John. It is so refreshing to begin the study of a book in my Bible and have the author be adamantly reassuring his audience that he is being honest, and WHY we can be certain of that. 
Another thought along that line is that when we DO believe something, we should know why. We ought to be able to back it up somehow. If I was the Biblical scholar that I should be, I would quote the place in the Bible that says so, but I am not. I'll simply tell you that I know it's there. (What a contradiction that sentence was, huh?--I guess that's what I get for publically agreeing to type for 5 minutes without editing, erasing, changing anything.) time is up. I shall continue to share my reflections as I get further into the book. For now, I'll simply say:
Have a Fabulous Weekend! 
God Bless! 

1 comment:

  1. It is truly calming and comforting to read a little bit each day from the bible and reflect on the meaning. Have a wonderful day!


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