Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Behind the Scenes

If you've been reading my blog, then you are already aware of the fact that I've started a Bible study, using the S.O.A.P. method.
I am thoroughly enjoying it! There is something really really cool about knowing that you are "with" women from all over the country, learning more about the Lord every single day!

Something that's been on my mind since I began is the people who function behind the scenes. Regardless of whether you're talking about church, business, or a family reunion, any time you get a lot of people together they will inevitably "divide" into groups.
Some will naturally be leaders while others just go with the flow. Some will be outgoing while others will be more behind the scenes.
Where do you fit into the group?
Have you ever considered how important the latter group is? I believe that many times we forget about them.

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