Ok, so my child is going to be 20 years old in three days.
I learn something from him every time he visits.
There are lessons he probably doesn't even know he's teaching in most conversations!
Is it wrong to just beam with pride just looking at a picture like this one?
Well if it is, then I'm in trouble!
What is he doing here? Reading a "self help" book of some type.
Not an assignment for school. Not a required read.
A hobby.
A constant striving for improvement.
A continued willingness to stand up in front of congregations of people and preach Christ.
Yes, he taught Bible class and preached for us on Sunday morning.
Later, he asked me to recite one memorable thing from either class or the sermon.
My answer?
When he discussed Jericho and how the Lord (The Commander of the army of the Lord) instructed Joshua to defeat the city. The instructions probably sounded pretty silly, don't you think? Yeah, march around the city for six days. Oh! Then on the seventh day? March around the city seven times and have the priests blow the trumpets
and have all the people shout!
Then what?
That's all! God's in control so just do what He says and you will win.
If God's in control and we do what He says, then we can not go wrong.
If we do not do what He says?
Bottom line. No ifs ands or buts....the end.
He loves the ocean, so when he visits, we frequent the Pacific beaches.
You find solitary in watching, hearing...feeling the rhythm of the waves.
Ever curious as to what he is thinking...I pick his brain as we comb the beach.
As he looks out over the beauty of the Pacific he says,
"Can you imagine how incredible heaven will be? The beauty God has laid before us is impossible to describe with words, and yet He had to use words and images of things we are capable of relating to in an attempt to show it to us...."
To what does he attribute his intense passion for God and self improvement?
He wants to make a difference.
He does not want to be a mediocre human being.
I don't think there's much chance of that!!
I don't know how many 19 year old young men have this type of thing on their mind when they are at the beach, but I would venture to say that it is quite rare. Maybe I'm biased?
A deep discussion continued as we strolled along.
The sheer power of water.
He bent down to dip his fingers in the fluid & splashed me with it and said,
"This wetness should not be powerful enough to toss these massive logs around like twigs, but it is...and God just spoke it into existence."
It reminds me of how insignificant we truly are and yet...
God send Christ here to be perfect and to die for me.
God gave me a wonderful child who has taught me valuable lessons through the years and continues to do so today. He is devoted to being a man after God's own heart.
I thank the Lord for blessing me so greatly. Especially because I know I am so undeserving.
What an awesome God we serve.
Thank you!!