Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Favorite Peeps

So, I need to do a quick update with some pics of me w my fabulous peeps!!
Me w my boy J.C.

Me & my Morgie

Me & My Maximus :)

Me & Kor & Mom

OOPS! didn't get one of me & my man... :(
We had a wonderful visit. My amazing young man has accepted a position as an intern at the Augusta Church of Christ in Maine for this summer...quite impressive for a freshman to be invited to do an internship! I'm so proud of him!! He is already such a great worker for the Lord, this is just going to help him become the great man of God he seeks to become.
Aside from THAT part of his awesomeness.....he ran another sub 50; (49.5!!) So with the 49.3....his best 2 times ever! He is just amazing. Enuf of that, his head is big enough! LOL jk jk.
I had the most lovely visit with my Morgie too--we went walking together & got to visit a few times while I was in AR, she brought Nathan with her a couple times too. They came to Kor's track meet yesterday....wonderful!
We played Balderdash- Me, Mom, Randy, J.C. & Kory...HAHAHAHA!! We laughed until we cried! It was really a GREAT time.

I really missed my Maximus & it was great to see him too. I can't wait till after camp Caudle when I can bring him back to WA with me! He's such a good & sweet boy!

I would continue, but honestly, I've been driving all day, I have a terrible headache & I'm in the middle of South Dakota somewhere just SO ready to get some sleep. Will hit the road on the way to Mt. Rushmore early in the morning! Looking forward to some INTERESTING scenery, cuz I have to say that so's been pretty boring watching the dust rise off of the seemingly endless empty fields & farms! Have seen TONS of dead deer along the side of the road. For some stretches I'm sure there was one for every 2 miles travelled! Never saw a live one....hopefully that will all change tomorrow.

Will update with new and exciting details of the trip in the next few days!! :):) :)

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